Have a say in your town

Settle Town Council

This year’s Settle Town Council Annual Parish (Town) meeting will be held on Monday 22 April at 6.00pm in St John’s Methodist Church, Church Street, Settle, BD24 9JH. All welcome. 

Items to be discussed include Mayor’s report on the Council’s work 2023/24; reports from North Yorkshire (Unitary)Council, North Yorkshire Police and an update on what future projects/works are planned in Settle. We hope that lots of the vital Community Groups & Organisations will once again be able to join us and inform the Parishioners of Settle about the important work that they do in the community. 

If you are part of an organisation and are interested in attending the event and doing a small presentation or would like further information, please email clerk@settletowncouncil.gov.uk or ring 01729 823617.  

The meeting finishes with an open forum, an opportunity for your questions and comments. Further details and the agenda will be published in due course.

Come and join us

We have one vacancy for a councillor; are you interested in filling it? To qualify you must be at least 18 years old, appear on the Settle register of electors, or have lived or worked in Settle or have lived within 4.8km for the last year. To find out more please contact the Clerk at clerk@settletowncouncil.gov.uk or phone 01729 823617.

Police drop in surgery

The next drop-in surgery held on the marketplace, will be on the 28th of May 10am-12pm. If the weather is bad the surgery will take place in the large meeting room in the Town Hall. 

Worried about the cost of living?

If you are struggling to pay for food and other essentials, there are local schemes and organisations in North Yorkshire which may be able to help or point you in the right direction. You will find information about emergency financial support, managing debt, benefit entitlement, energy bills and staying connected all in one place at www.northyorks.gov.uk/costofliving 

North Yorkshire Council’s cost of living web page also has information about pension credit, schemes to help families and local community-based support including Warm Welcome spaces as well as advice on staying safe and well.

If you are less confident with technology and have friends or family who might be able to help you understand what support is available with the cost of living, please ask them to look at the web page with you. You can also go into any North Yorkshire library or North Yorkshire Council office.

If you are not sure who to turn to, you can call North Yorkshire Council’s customer service centre on 0300 131 2 131 Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 4.30pm asking for ‘cost of living help’ when prompted.

Twinning Event

The Council are looking forward to welcoming the twinning committee from Banyuls-sur-Mer in May. 

The twinning with Banyuls-sur-Mer began in 1992 and regular visits to and from France have since taken place (see The French Connection feature).

