The people of Settle, Giggleswick, Langcliffe & Stainforth have once again been very generous in helping the very poor in foreign countries, through giving to Christian Aid during this year’s appeal.
The total being sent from our community is £3,839.26 (including Gift Aid), which exceeds last year’s donations considerably.
The donations were given via Appeal envelopes and fundraising events. About 50 volunteers were involved locally.
This year, the focus is on supporting local families in Burundi to work together to build a more sustainable future for their families.
The money was raised by local events, including a Coffee Evening, Afternoon Tea (pictured above), Big Brekkie, plant sale and street collections.
Also, volunteers delivered donation envelopes to nearly every home in Settle, Giggleswick, Langcliffe & Stainforth. These were returned to collecting bins, placed in the Co-op & Lamberts News. We thank them for their kind co-operation.
Thanks, too, to the generosity of our local community.
Sally Waterson, local Christian Aid organiser