Settle Swimming Pool Public Meeting
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Supporters Rally Round To Save Swimming Pool

A new community fund raising initiatives group is to be set up to help Settle Area Swimming Pool tackle its serious…

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Settle volunteers help camouflage Ukrainian troops

A group of volunteers in Settle is coming together to help protect Ukranian soldiers defending their country from Russian attack….

Ribblehead Viaduct - Shutterstock
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All Aboard! FoSCL Needs You!

The Friends of the Leeds-Settle-Carlisle Line are “independent champions” of one of the finest railway journeys in the world which…

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Library Help Wanted

We’re sure we are not alone in expressing thanks to Alastair Cook for his hard work and dedication in leading…

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Scouts looking for volunteers

Settle Scouts needs new leaders and helpers across all its sections – Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. They would welcome…